Sunday, December 11, 2011

Durban Summit agree to reach agreement by 2015 for concrete steps to be taken only after 2020!

The joy of we climate sceptics find knows no bounds. After two weeks and over time of 24 hours,  all that the Durban Climate circus managed to produce as an outcome was a road map towards an accord to be signed by 2015 whose proposed actions will be operational from 2020! 
The process for doing so, called the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action, would "develop a new protocol, another legal instrument or agreed outcome with legal force that will be applicable to all Parties to the UN climate convention," under a working group. The exact nature of what "legal instrument" or "agreed outcome" has not yet been decided!
Read more:

chennai - now 1:07pm having a Bright DEEP blue sky, temp. at 30.3 deg C and with HIGH humidity. Feeling very warm !
IMD-GFS forecasts that a strong easterlies will enter into S-E Bay from 17-Dec... and move towards Tamilnadu coast..
NO W.D's forecast for N-W Kashmir till 15-Dec.!
chennai - going by today's model suggestions.. Very less rain forecast for City from 12 to 15-Dec, from the easterlies.
Good W.D 's are also predicted to affect N, N-W India from 19-27-Dec...
But models still predict a widespread heavy rain for Tamilnadu coast, depression from 19 to 27-Dec...
Now models predict Rain only for Central, S. Tamilnadu coast, isolated showers for N. Tamilnadu coast.. from 13-15-Dec.
Latest models suggest that the upcoming easterlies may not affect N. Tamilnadu coast !! ..
The easterlies will reach Central, S. Tamilnadu coast on evening of 12-Dec..
Today, the easterlies is over S.central Bay and nearing Tamilnadu coast !!