Tuesday, September 08, 2015

September 08, 2015 at 05:21PM

RT @kthirumani: @weatherofindia Past one hour Heavy raining in Tuticorin. (3:51pm). #iwm

September 08, 2015 at 05:31PM

4:35pm, Moderate rain over Belgaum. #weather

from Instagram

September 08, 2015 at 05:28PM

Pune, 5:14pm - Heavy rains lashed almost for 45mins. #weather

from Instagram

Monsoon active over Kerala, Karnataka coast. More T showers for interior Karnataka, Maharastra, Andhra

Today, there's a low-level trough seen from N Karnataka tilting S-W to Maldives, S-S-E Arabian sea.. http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/cSny4.jpg
This trough is expected to persist for next 42hrs, and will give good rainfall for Karnataka coast, Kerala, S-tip Tamilnadu.
SW monsoon current is expected to be strong along Kerala and upto central coast Karnataka for next 48hrs.. http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/cSnGn.jpg

Meanwhile an anti-cyclone is expected to set foot over W,W-central India in next 2 days ... http://static.ow.ly/photos/normal/cSnMj.jpg

East or Central Bay may pop a strong circulation, LOW on 12-Sep.
Till then the Monsoon is expected to be active along Kerala !

Rainfall alert for next 36hrs
During next 2 days, the Monsoon is expected to be active along Kerala coast, S,central coast Karnataka.
Before morning of 9-Sep..
Scattered T showers for W,S Maharastra, W,N,central,S Karnataka into N,N-E Tamilnadu, N,N-E,S Andhra and Telegana

Chennai - Can witness a moderate T shower today before midnight.
Bangalore - More rain ahead for today !

More T showers ahead for W,S,central Maharastra, N,W,central,S Karnataka on 9-Sep as well !
More T showers for Telegana, W,N-E,N,S Andhra and into N,N-E Tamilnadu on 9-Sep... https://pbs.twimg.com/media/COXZag5XAAA4wiS.jpg:large


 This updates enable viewers to come to conclusion that SWM is to be active especially in west coast.

However the withdrawal phase of SWM is also started.  Winds may NOT reach beyond Mumbai.

Strength is upto 850hPa.

This effect is to be felt within another 72-84 hours

The NLM of SWM be distinct in another few days