Friday, December 02, 2016

December 02, 2016 at 06:54PM

#bengaluru - 6pm, drizzles ! #weather

from Instagram

December 02, 2016 at 06:47PM

Chennai - photo at 5:40pm. 6:45pm, steady rain with occasional bursts continue in Polichalur, Pallavaram, Pammal. #weather

from Instagram

December 02, 2016 at 04:58PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

Here comes the "pull effect"

2:10pm, Here comes the "pull effect" .. Heavy rain now seen nearing Kovalam, #Chennai . Raining in Chengelpet, Mahabalipuram !


#Chennai and for N-coast Tamilnadu... these pull effect rains can be intermittent, heavy and can keep coming till morning of 3-Dec !!

December 02, 2016 at 02:28PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

Chennai - 12:40pm, a wave of rains seen along W,SW of city, and another wave expected to push in from SE,SSE ...

Can N-coast Tamilnadu get anything from Nada pull effect ?

#NADA makes a silent entry as a LOW into central-coast Tamilnadu near Nagapattinam today early morning ...

12pm, Almost NO convective activity over tamilnadu now ! #Nada ... 

GFS expects the remnant circulation of #Nada to travel West and pop into SE-Arabian sea as a weak circulation on Saturday morning ... 

During next 20hrs.. GFS expects a pull effect along N-coast Tamilnadu and Chennai meaning "intermittent sharp showers from now to 9am,3-Dec" ... 

Moderate to heavy Showers expected from now to morning of 3-Dec.. along belt from Pondicherry to Mahabalipuram and may extend to #Chennai.. ..