Saturday, December 18, 2010

Chennai - had Mild, DRY and Cold wind from N-N-W all thru the day.
Chennai - Temperature going down steadily.. going to be a COLD and DRY night. Surprise.. !! Temperature now 5:05pm is 25.9 C !!!
3:30pm, Slowly easterlies getting active over S-E Bay...
Rain expected for Central and S. Tamilnadu even after X mas day 25-Dec.
A Low circulation is expected to form on 23-Dec, over S-E Bay and move west towards C.Tamilnadu coast ...
Dry northwesterly winds are prevailing over plains of northwest, central  and east India
Widespread heavy rain forecast for entire Tamilnadu coast for 21 and 22-Dec...
Flamingos make Rann of Kutch home this winter...
China to provide flood data of Sutlej river to India...
Easterly wave will pick up speed over S.central Bay on 20-Dec.. and will affect Tamilnadu coast from 21-Dec...
Chennai - As expected will get a break from Rain and Cloudiness from today till 20-Dec.
RT @arjunlv: Chennai's annual rain this year touches a huge 160cm with today's early morning downpour !! Thanks to the Excess SW monsoon!!
Lowest minimum temperature of 2.1 deg C was recorded at Adampur(Punjab) in the plains of the country
Minimum temperatures are below normal by 2-4 C over many parts of Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Andhra  Pradesh,  M.P