Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Today as well, LWD seen from S-tip Tamilnadu to NW Karnataka to S,central Maharastra to SE MP to N Chatisgarh ..
At low-levels, the LWD along W-ghats and from NW Karnataka to SW Bengal is expected to persist for next 36hrs...

More scattered Heavy/moderate T showers expected over W-ghats from NW Karnataka to S-tip Tamilnadu on 7-Apr ...
During next 2 days, some moisture push is expected to happen into Tamilnadu.
In 24hrs, scattered T showers also for central,NW,W Tamilnadu.

@karthyke @NeelaVanam >>
One /two T showers expected to pop over S,SW,central Karnataka in 24hrs.
Bangalore can get a hit/miss T shower !

During next 2 days, most of S,central Peninsula to have HOT above normal temps.
SE-coast (including Chennai) to have normal temps.
HEAT wave to persist over E,central Uttarpradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Odisha and Bengal on 7,8-Apr...

As of latest, the upper-level WD trough is seen along NW India and a weak circulation over N-central Pakistan..
In next 24hrs, this WD circulation is expected to fizzle out over N India.
Before that, scattered moderate rain for Kashmir and Himachal.
In next 24hrs, One or two moderate rain also for Punjab into N Haryana and W Uttarpradesh...

The moisture left over from present WD system is expected to travel East into E,E-central India in next 42hrs ...
This can pop 1 or 2 Severe T showers "Nor-westers" over N Chatisgarh, Jharkhand, Odisha into W,SW Bengal in next 42hrs.

Satellite visible of 5:30pm, 5-Apr... 
Tamilnadu - Colachel, Kuzhithurai 4cm
Karnataka - Bhagamandala 7, Kerur 3cm ...

This image is 5:30pm, today ... looks more or less the same like 5-Apr, T showers along W-ghats of Karnataka, Kerala and Tamilnadu... ..T showers also over NW Karnataka, S,SW Maharastra, Odisha, Jharkhand and E,SE Madhyapradesh.
5:30pm, Heavy rain also seen over N Himachal !

#HOT days continue over most of India now. And the list of above 40s are also growing by the day, Bhubaneswar 43.2C ..

April 06, 2016 at 01:44PM

Chennai - 12:30pm photo. Another hot day. Temp 34.2 C but feels like 45 c at 1:30pm. #weather

from Instagram

April 06, 2016 at 01:11PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

April 06, 2016 at 01:03PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

April 06, 2016 at 12:52PM

This is Bareilly's sky at 11:45am today. #weather

from Instagram