Monday, December 08, 2008

"07B" - Brushing the Southern Tip

Yesterday(7-Dec-08) early morning 07B was over srilanka.
Around afternoon it crossed into Gulf of Mannar.
Now (8-Dec-08, 11:21 AM) it's over southern tip of India/Tamilnadu.
"07B" is just a LOW pressure system, with lots of RAIN potential.
The whole of southern districts are getting heavy rains and drizzles.
We are hearing news from Kanyakumari district that from yesterday evening it was drizlling heavy went on thru the night and now it's pouring intermittently.
Going by latest satellite pic u can make the position of "07B".

This rainfall in that region will go on till tomorrow morning.
After that the "07B" will cross into Arabian sea. We'll monitor what happens next.
Here is some rainfall details recorded (by IMD) at 8:30AM, 7-Dec-08
Rameswaram 5, Pamban 3, Ramanathapuram 2 and Vedaranyam and Tondi 1
Here we had a mild night with some low clouds.
Morning there was NO dew around.
Now(11:27AM) we can see lot's of partly-heavy cloud formation.
It seems the North-easter has rejunuvated.
We have 50% chance of getting mild shower or two in late evening.