Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fresh & strong W.D is nearing N,N-W India.. heavy rains expected over Punjab, Kashmir, Haryana, #Delhi after tomorrow morning / noon.
#chennai - 9:30pm, Temp. now is around 26 deg C and another clear sky night ahead. Morning low temp. will be around  22 deg C.
RT @aknarendranath: @weatherofindia Cloudy for the last two hours or so in Delhi. (5:13pm)

9pm, Scattered showers seen over Haryana, Himachal and into Uttarakand .. 
A fresh easterlies is expected to push into S-E Bay by today evening.. and expected to reach Tamilnadu coast on 15-Dec

But the moisture from easterlies are expected to be confined below the 10th parallel ... meaning showers only for Srilanka, S,S-E Tamilnadu 

Due to easterlies, showers expected for S,S-E.Tamilnadu on Sunday, 16-Dec to 18-Dec.. 

The upcoming easterlies is expected to pop a circulation (on 15-Dec) just South of 5th parallel and will travel West.. 
Fresh & Heavy W.D will push into N,N-W India with Rain / Snow from morning of tomorrow..

The next W.D is expected push showers into Delhi by tomorrow evening.

Rain due to W.D effect will push up to W,central Uttarpradesh, Most of Rajasthan, N,N-W Madhyapradesh till 15-Dec.

Heavy rain / snow expected over most of Kashmir and Himachal during next 2 / 3 days.

Scattered Rain possible over Punjab, Haryana, #Delhi and Uttarakand from tomorrow till 15-Dec.
Yesterday rainfall, Diamond Harbor = 8cm, Midnapore, Haldia = 5cm, Kolkata = 3cm.
1pm, a heavy W.D system is nearing most of N-W India.. it's mostly cloudy in that zone now...

Isolated showers possible even today over Jharkand, central,S.Bengal and N,N-E.Orissa  before 11pm tonight.. 
RT @aknarendranath:  "Threat of El Nino peters out" @weatherofindia