Thursday, September 21, 2017

September 21, 2017 at 10:08PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

Chennai - Today sea Breeze and convective buildup animation

21-Sep, Chennai.

Today sea breeze pushed in at around 2:30 / 3pm.

Convective buildup started over South Andhra and adjoining North Tamilnadu.

You can check the Sea breeze front moving in from Sea in this RADAR animation video 

At around 8pm, the showers started moving towards Sea. Zones North of Chennai into Andhra got light to moderate rain.

At around 10pm, even some zones in NW,W suburbs of Chennai got a drizzle.

Polichalur got some sprinkles !

Friday also we can witness scattered mini showers over N Tamilnadu, S Andhra and Chennai.

Evening and Night heavy T shower activity will pickup again from Saturday !

September 21, 2017 at 01:46PM

September 21, 2017 at 01:04PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

September 21, 2017 at 09:41AM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

Today, the low-level circulation is seen over E-central Madhyapradesh and its weak trough seen South upto Telangana, N Andhra.
It's upper-level circulation is weak and seen along S Madhyapradesh and adjoining N Maharastra.

During next 3 days, present M.P low-level circulation is expected to drift N and persist weak into S,SW Uttarpradesh on 23/24-Sep.

7:30am, Rain seen along coastal Maharastra South of #Mumbai.
Heavy over N,N-central Madhyapradesh and N chatisgarh.

Sagar, a town in N-central Madhyapradesh got 99mm till 5:30am.
Where is Sagar ?? 

Coastal #Maharasta especially South of #Mumbai will get more heavy rain today as well.
And, "some may" push into #Mumbai .
Today's (next 24hrs) heavy rain #ALERT is for central,N,NW,W,NE Madhyapradesh and into S,central,SE Uttarpradesh.