Friday, December 05, 2014

Next easterlies is almost here, it'll start affecting Tamilnadu coast from tomorrow noon !... 

But showers expected over S,S-E coast, central coast Tamilnadu from Sunday afternoon.
On Monday morning, Heavy rain expected along central,S-E coast Tamilnadu ... 
Monday evening, night ... more heavy rain expected over S,S-central,S-W,W Tamilnadu and along central,S,S-E coast of the state.

On Monday night into Tuesday morning the showers can push upto N-coast Tamilnadu as well and light rain into Chennai !
Chennai - expected to become cloudy from Saturday noon and NO rain expected till Monday noon !
Morning temp will be around 22 C on 7,8-Dec.
North India, today morning... Chandigarh airport records a low temp of 5.4 C

Across N,N-W,N-central India, the min temps remain above normal, but going down again...
Jammu = 9C (-1)
Delhi = 10C (+1)
Ludhiana = 6C (-3)

A W.D system is expected to start affecting Kashmir, Himachal from Monday morning... 
On 8,9,10-Dec, the upcoming W.D can give scattered showers over Kashmir, N Himachal. Cloudy days over Punjab and even over Haryana !

Weather Instagram at December 05, 2014 at 05:35PM

Chennai - 4pm, dry and mild 28C. Can expect another 20C morning tomorrow. #weather

from Instagram