Friday, July 21, 2017

Today again the entire monsoon axis up to the circulation present over SE Gujarat will get heavy widespread rains ...  
Present circulation over SE Gujarat is expected to drift NNE and push into W,NW Madhyapradesh and adjoining Rajasthan in 24hrs.
On 23rd / 24th this circulation may persist and push into #Delhi and adjoining zones. By that time the #monsoon axis will be dragged North.

During past 24hrs, Maharastra coast, #mumbai, SW,N,E Gujarat, S,SE Rajasthan and W,S,SE,SW Madhyapradesh witnessed HEAVY widespread rain.  
East India also experienced heavy widespread #monsoon rains during past 24hrs.

During next 30hrs.. HEAVY widespread rain ahead for Gujarat, S,SE Rajasthan and into NW,W Maharastra, W,SW,NW Madhyapradesh. 
More widespread heavy rain ahead for E,NE Madhyapradesh, S,E Uttarpradesh, Bihar, N Chatisgarh, Jharkhand and into Bengal in 30hrs.
Meanwhile, more heavy downpour expected ALL along Maharastra coast, Karnatak coast and N Kerala for next 2 days.

When the Gujarat circulation pushes North the Heavy rains will shift into North India around #Delhi from 23rd.