Monday, May 28, 2012

NOGAPS models suggest that Monsoon will reach Kerala on 1-Jun and Rain will increase only after 3-Jun.
@shanthikod >> Konkan region can expect monsoon after 5-Jun.
RT @saboovikas: @weatherofindia Barbil a small town in Orissa is 47 Deg. today. Scorching Heat Claims 40+ lives alrdy in 5 days in Orissa
COLA models suggest that very less showers forecast for Kerala on 1,2,3-Jun.. OR the onset itself will be delayed..
Latest COLA models suggest a strong circulation over S-W-Central Arabian sea on 1-Jun..
Kerala may not have the FULL impact of the 1st monsoon showers due to the expected circulation over S-W-central Arabian sea.
chennai airport records another 42 deg C... yesterday it was 42.8 C
Latest COLA model suggests that Monsoon will set over Kerala on 1-Jun ... intially it'll be weak !
Nagpur airport records 47.0°C at 12:40pm !!
@nithyanexo >> chennai - Possibility of afternoon T.showers will increase only after 3-Jun.
@nithyanexo >> chennai - No rain forecast till 2-Jun, Upper level moisture presence expected to increase after 2-Jun.
chennai - at 12:10pm temp. was 39.0°C .. another 41 deg C on cards. And having breeze from W-S-W ..
On 27-May, highest   maximum   temperature   of   47.0°C   was   recorded   at
RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia; Last week (17th May) before landing chennai sky turned cloudy, a pic