Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13, 2016 at 08:55AM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

September 13, 2016 at 08:54AM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia
RT @mdimrankhan432:  
10:41pm, 12-Sep - Raining since 6.30pm continously in Ongole city, Andhra Pradesh.

Low,Mid-level circulation is persisting along N-coast Andhra and expected to persist for another 24hrs .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/mYwqC.jpg
This circulation is expected to drift WNW into N Andhra in next 24hrs .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/mYwFe.jpg

GFS,ECMWF models expect this circulation to drift across Maharastra and pop along N-coast Maharastra, #Mumbai on Friday / Saturday.

7am, Due to circulation HEAVY rain seen over Telengana, central Maharastra ... https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/mYxgO.jpg

#ALERT for next 24hrs.
Heavy, widespread rain ahead for N,N-central Andhra, Telengana into E,central Maharastra .. https://d2jhuj1whasmze.cloudfront.net/photos/normal/mYy9E.jpg