The offshore trough seen from S Gujarat coast to central Kerala coast is giving good Monsoon rain along S-W coast..
During next 2 days, the Offshore troughis expected to persist from S Gujarat coast to central/S -coast Karnataka, So more rain ahead !
Today N,N-central Bay showed an upper-level circulation and this is not expected to persist or Drop a LOW...
North Bay is not expected to pop a LOW during next 2/3 days, which is important for the next phase in Monsoon push into East India.
Instead, a mid,upper-level N-S trough is expected to drop upto N,N-central Tamilnadu on 15-Jun...
A highly active week (15 to 20-Jun) ahead for Arabian sea, S-Peninsula and Bay ...
Before morning of 13-Jun...
Scattered T showers for N,N-central,N-E Tamilnadu, #Chennai and S Andhra.
Before morning of 13-Jun...
More T showers for N,W,central,E Maharastra, Telegana, N-E Andhra into S,central Chatisgarh, S,central Odisha.
Before morning of 13-Jun...
T showers also will push into S,S-E Madhyapradesh and Jharkhand, W,central, N Bengal...
After midnight till noon of 13-Jun... MORE heavy rain ahead ALL along W,S-W coast of India ...
Monsoon is going to be ACTIVE all thru the Saturday with scattered Rain over most zones of N,central Peninsula and S-E coast of India.
#Chennai - more rain ahead tonight and on Saturday evening,midnight.