Friday, June 17, 2016

Time Lapse - Ultimate Storm Front , Kolkata - INDIA

The Extraordinary Storm Front having "SHELF CLOUD" Sweeped over the City of Kolkata on 5 AM IST on 14th June 2016 , The Cloud formation happened Because the Thunderstorm Transformed into a Super cell .
The Storm Approached from the North-west direction and the sunrise was happening on the eastern side , which Lead to an Unbelievable Skyline and reflection of storm front .

For more Weather news of Kolkata , Hop on to :-

June 17, 2016 at 07:45PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

June 17, 2016 at 07:36PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

June 17, 2016 at 07:35PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

June 17, 2016 at 07:32PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

June 17, 2016 at 07:30PM

For more tweets follow :: @weatherofindia

June 17, 2016 at 04:02PM

2pm, Shahdol, E Madhyapradesh - getting ready for a shower towards evening. #weather

from Instagram

Wet phase ahead for entire N,central, S Peninsula in next 4 days

Today, the expected circulation over Bay has formed!
Now seen as a weak low-level circulation near Odisha coast ..
It's mid-level circulation is almost in same location and upper-level circulation is expected over W Bay has not shaped yet !

18-Jun, midnight into Sunday noon, this low-level circulation is expected to drift West into Telangana, E Maharastra ..
Meanwhile, its upper-level circulation is expected to be over S,central Andhra, E Karnataka on Sunday ...

For next 3 days, wet phase ahead for entire N,central,S Peninsula and HEAVY rain for SW coast,
#Monsoon for #Mumbai, Maharastra !

In next 48hrs, Heavy scattered rain for Odisha, Chatisgarh, S Jharkhand into E,central Maharastra...
Next 48hrs, Heavy rainfall #ALERT
for S Chatisgarh, S Odisha, N Andhra, Telangana, E,S,central Maharastra, N,NE Karnataka.
Entire coast from central Maharastra to Kerala to S-tip Tamilnadu to get heavy rain starting from Saturday !

#Mumbai - Heavy rain expected on Sunday, Monday. #Monsoon
Still NO northerly push of Monsoon expected beyond N Maharastra till 24-Jun. 
#Chennai - scattered T showers possible on 18,19,20-Jun.
#Bangalore - scattered moderate Evening rain on 17,18,19th.