Today, the remnant of 97A seen over E,central U.P and another circulation over Bangladesh ...
Both these circulation are expected to merge over Bihar in next 10 hrs and drift West towards E,central Uttarpradesh
On Sunday, the East India circulation is expected to be over E,S-E Uttarpradesh and adjoining N Chatisgarh and N-E Madhyapradesh.
On evening/night of 28-Jun, Bay may pop an upper-level circulation over N-W-central Bay near N-E coast Andhra..
Till Sunday, monsoon current is expected to be weak along S Gujarat, N,central coast Maharastra.
But strong along Karnataka, Kerala coast.
Rainfall forecast for 36hrs
Due to upcoming circulation over Bihar, N Bengal...
Today, HEAVY rain for Bihar, N,central Bengal.
Some rain also for S,S-W Bengal, Kolkatta
Today before midnight.
Scattered rain over W,S-W,S Madhyapradesh, N,N-E Maharastra into Chatisgarh and Odisha..
On 27-Jun, HEAVY rain will cover most of Bihar and towards midnight rain will push into E Uttarpradesh as well..
On 27-Jun, again scattered rain possible over S,central Madhyapradesh, Chatisgarh and Odisha.
On 27-Jun, scattered rain also for N,central,E Maharastra as well.
Today and 27-Jun...
Heavy rain will persist along Karnataka coast and Kerala coast and upto S-tip Tamilnadu.
#Chennai - Today evening, scattered drizzle or light rain possible.
Temp. now 12:40pm is 36.5 C and Gusts from West continue.
#Chennai - On 27-Jun, Can expect another 36/37 C day and a moderate T shower expected after 5pm.