Thursday, April 04, 2013

#IPL - Bangalore to have a partly cloudy evening, with temp. expected around 29 C around 8pm. No RAIN expected !
Wind discontinuity or weak low level circulation persists over  S.Maharastra,N.Karantaka and along N-W Andhra ...

This weak circulation will persist and have extension till S.Tamilnadu during next 3 or 4 days...

More T.showers expected for S.Kerala, W.Ghats of Kerala and into W,S,S-central Tamilnadu, during next 4 days...

Showers for Kashmir, Himachal due to next W.D system is expected to reach by evening of 7-Apr ...

Rain over N-E states is likely to taper away during next 4 days !
5pm, Showers seen over Kashmir, Southern N-E states, Isolated T.shower over S.Andhra, N.Tamilnadu and S. Kerala ...

Today, most of W.D rain has cleared out from N,N-W,N-Central India.
Yesterday, highest maximum temperature of 40.8°C was recorded at Gulbarga (Karnataka).

#HOT at 3pm, Nagpur = 42 C, Hyderabad = 39 C, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Tiruchirapalli = 38 C, #Chennai = 33 C, #Mumbai = 31 C and #Delhi = 32 C.