#Chennai 's Day temperature stays around 31 / 32 C with mostly clear skies today !.
Today morning, Airport = 21.2 C.
Till 8:30am today, S,S-E Tamilnadu coast got moderate rain.. Pamban = 12.6 mm, Tuticorin = 21.3 mm.
Nanguneri = 1 CM.
During next 3 days... Warm mornings ahead for most of Tamilnadu except for N,N-W zones, S,S-central Andhra and for S,central Karnataka.
During next 2 days, showers expected for N,N-W,N-central and most W-ghats of Tamilnadu.
S,S-central and W-ghats of Kerala to get T showers during next 3 days.
S tip of Tamilnadu (Kanyakumari dist) is also expected to get T showers during today and next 2 days !