Monday, March 07, 2011

RT @akshaydeoras: Temperatures in Vidarbha and east India are settling close to 37-38C.
Mumbai is hotter ...
7:30pm, Heavy thunder shower again over S-W Srilanka and S, S-E Bay are getting active again ,,,
Chennai - might also get a sharp rise in Max temp ... because a HEAT wave is prevailing over most of S.Central peninsula for the past 3 days
Chennai - Morning was cold again at 21.0 C (6:10am).. and this min. temp will start to go UP from 10-Mar.
Chennai - WOW... touched a high of 32.3 C (11:12am)... and now 3:14pm its 30.4 deg C and having stiff breeze from E-N-E
S.central India super HEAT ... on 6-Mar .. Tuni recorded the highest maximum temperature of 41 deg C
Central and S. central India is heating up fast ... most places are recording 35 deg C ...
Present westerlies over N-W India will cease from 10-Mar ... this will gradually push the max temp UP ...
The present W.D over Kashmir will die around 10-Mar and there'll be a break till 14-Mar
10-Mar as the Anti-cyclone moves to N.Bay, the entire S-E peninsula will have wind from E or S-E .. This'll raise the humidity and Min. temp
S-E Bay will pop another UAC on 10-Mar and it'll travel West towards Srilanka...
Presently the high pressure anti-cyclone is over Orissa , it'll move East and will be over N. Bay from 10-Mar to 15-Mar.
Today, High winds prevailing over Uttarpradesh, Bihar, N. Bengal ... and will continue till 9-Mar ..
How to Plan a Farm and Garden to Feed a Family....
RT @gbnp5000: 500 landslides derail road traffic in Himachal : triggered by heavy snowfall and rain in K... (6-Mar)
RT @rajugana: @weatherofindia, Baroda 9.55am, Cold morning - 19C, now clear sky, sunny and hot.. max temp exp 38-39C. Real Summer is in...
Mumbai Monday: Upward climb begins. At 11 am, 34c, ENE winds and 24% humidity.