Sunday, September 11, 2011

Tamilnadu :: Chengelpet had some showers and Now sharp showers nearing Pondicherry.
chennai - 7:13pm, No rain threatening cloud formation in and around chennai upto 50km radius.
Chennai - 7:10pm, Air current above 1 km is from N-W and good sea breeze can be found upto 0.9km above sea level.
6pm, as the circulation moves over W.Madhyapradesh.. heavy rain over S. Rajasthan and N.Rajasthan.. ..
6pm, Heavy rain over central,N.central Tamilnadu, N-E Andhra, Orissa..
Chennai - Good sea breeze has set in now 3:59pm.... waiting for cloud formations !
chennai - after month of May... today it's HOT and HUMID ... 36.9 C (1:24pm) .. Typical September .. HEAT before N-E monsoon
Isolated Thunder cells are blooming S-W of Chengelpet .. nothing threatening for Chennai yet.. 3:56pm
T.showers along N.Tamilnadu, Chennai and Andhra coast will pickup strength from 13-Sep and may last beyond 17-Sep..
Rainfall intensity over Gujarat and central India will go down from 14-Sep.
Widespread heavy rain forecast for S.Kerala and Coastal Karnataka for another 3 days...
As the present circulation over Madhyapradesh moves west into Gujarat... another LOW expected over N-N-W Bay on 13-Sep.
Today, the UAC is over Central Madhyapradesh ... and it'll keep on moving west...