Saturday, February 25, 2012

On 24-Feb, highest maximum temperature of 40.0°C was recorded at Bhira (Maharashtra)
On 24-Feb, maximum temperatures  fell by  3 to ­4°C over  some parts of Western   Himalayan   region
Mumbai - Day temp. may come down by 2 deg from 1-Mar ... and continue for a Week !!..
chennai - today again another slightly extreme temperature day.. Day high 33.5°C (11:59am) and LOW of 19.2°C (6:07am)
chennai - from 28-Feb the wind direction will be from S, S-E.. this'll increase the HUMIDITY and there by the temp..
The present W.D over Himachal, Uttarakand will persist in a weak phase for another 36hrs, before next W.D will enter into Kashmir on 27-Feb
From 28-Feb, Day temp. to increase by another 1 deg over S.central Peninsula including chennai.
COLD conditions over N,N-W, Central India to continue till 28-Feb..
Signs of temperature build up after 1-Mar-2012