Tuesday, May 21, 2013

RT @rajugana: Bangalore 7.00pm, Hot n humid day with clear skies. No T.Clouds formation yet, twilight in th eve pic http://t.co/8Ggj7gObs7

Monsoon Update - 21-May-2013

#Monsoon - The Heat LOW over N-W India has deepened to 998 mb pressure as of today !

#Monsoon - Present super heating over most of N,central,E,W India will make sure the heat LOW stretches from central Pakistan to East India.

#Monsoon - Heat LOW pressure is expected to be 994 mb on 23-May... with a trough extending South along S-E coast.. http://ow.ly/i/2agrj 

#Monsoon - Sea surface temperature along Somali coast has reduced to around 24 C.. this will reduce to 20 C in 10 days http://ow.ly/i/2agPk 

#Monsoon - Monsoon is expected to be over S,central Srilanka on 23-May. This will push some showers into S.coast Kerala and S.tip Tamilnadu

#Monsoon - The Somali jet is not expected to peak and move towards Kerala coast before 27-May. 
4:30pm, T.showers seen over S-W.Bengal, S.Odisha, N.Tamilnadu and S.Karnataka ... http://ow.ly/i/2afT1 

Today, the North-South trough is seen from E.Uttarpradesh to N,N-W Karnataka... http://ow.ly/i/2afWP 

Yesterday's low level circulation over Bengal & Bangladesh persists ... http://ow.ly/i/2afYd 

On 23-May, the North-South trough is expected to be from Bihar to N-E Tamilnadu all along S-E coast of India ... http://ow.ly/i/2ag0H 

Strong low level winds from W,N-W is expected over most of N,central Peninsula, Central India from 22 / 23-May.

Tomorrow, Heavy T.showers expected for N,N-W,N-central Tamilnadu ... http://ow.ly/i/2ag5a 

Fairly widespread showers along S.Kerala coast is expected during next 3 days ! Some rain may push into S.tip of Tamilnadu as well !

From tomorrow till Friday, Rain expected for N.Bihar, Nepal and N,central Bengal ... http://ow.ly/i/2aga2 

Most of N-E states, Sikkim, Bangladesh and N.Bengal to get Heavy rain during next 4 days ... http://ow.ly/i/2age9 
India #HOT, above 47 C of 20-May, Churu ­48.2, Chandrapur­ 47.9, Amraoti­ 47.8, Nagpur 47.5 and Wardha­ 47.2 C.

#HOT at 1:30pm, Nagpur = 46 C, #Delhi = 44 C, Amristar = 43 C, Ahmedabad, Jaipur = 42 C, Hyderabad = 40 C, Kolkata = 33 C, Bangalore = 32 C

#Chennai Airport temperature :: 20-May = 37.5 C, 19-May = 37 C. 18-May = 37 C, 17-May = 39 C, 16-May = 41 C... Today at 1:40pm = 36 C.

Today as well, T.showers expected for S,S-W,central Karnataka, N,N-W Tamilnadu and over W.Ghats, S-coast Kerala.. http://ow.ly/i/2acsH 

#Bengaluru - can expect more T.showers today as well after 4pm. Rain expected to continue till Wednesday !

1:30pm, Showers seen very close to S.tip Tamilnadu and S.Kerala.. showers expected in these zones today.. http://ow.ly/i/2acDh