Will there be a final showdown of rain in Chennai before the end of this Season..??
As far as the latest GFS models, the answer is "NO".
Latest satellite pic shows some activity near the west of Srilanka.
These cloud formations in southern bay would not move North or North-westwards, unless the Anticyclone seen over Northern bay region moves away.(pls view following image for Anti-cyclone over north bay). That anticyclone is there for the past 15 days.
Latest "Sea Surface Temperature Chart" also shows cooling down near the tamilnadu coast as well as central bay. This phenomenon will drastically reduce the cloud formation over the Bay.
The low cloud formation during mornings have reduced. Today it was almost NIL.
Only good thing is the North-east air current is strong without carrying any moisture. For the past 3 nights, the minimum temperature was not low, this time of year it should be COLD around 21 degrees.
Last: "97A" in Arabian sea (remnant of 07B) is turning BACK, this is a very rare phenomenon. We'll report on it if it gathers strength and moves in a East Direction.
Though south TN ( Tanjore to Tuticorin coast) continues to get rains, North TN is left out. Thank God Madras got bountiful rain in Nov. Otherwise, it would have been a wash out. It looks like it is curtains down for Madras as far as rains are concerned. Last year around this time, we got nearly 15 cms of rainfall..Though there were some long term predictions which predicts above normal rainfall activity to continue till Feb..
ReplyDeleteSeems rameswaram got 422mm yesterday my goodness,and gfs didnt forecast tat much rain wat s happening?
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