For the past 3 days, it's unusually heavy rain over Rameswaram region. Recorded around 40cm in 3 days. Even a cloud burst of 19cm on 15-Dec-08.
Almost there is no such rain forecast thru GFS models and no visible evidence in Satellite images. Purely a local disturbance.
Satellite pic shows...
Still lot's of activity over the South-Arabian sea in the form of stable "97A".
And cloud activity can also be seen over the South-BAY. There's a GFS suggestion of LOW pressure formation over that area and moving in a WEST direction.
Night was mild around 24 degrees and Now (3:45PM) the temperature is gradually reducing. Tonight we might get up to 22 degrees. From tomorrow morning there'll be DEW.
S it s very strange local ir sat did nt show tat much cl while in chidambaram couple of days bak 17cm burst tat was visible in ir clearly going by latest sat lots of activity in bob lets see
ReplyDeleteWarm mornings, no dew, low humidity, anticyclone clearing up, will Madras get rainfall? GFS model is not predicting it...
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