A good insight into MJO - by Ahmed, http://kea.metsite.com
For more on MJO click here
Forecasts based on the movement of the periodical Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO) wave of alternating enhanced and suppressed phases of rainfall suggest that the ongoing wet session over the southern peninsula would weaken towards the month-end. This is based on the assessment that the current phase of the MJO wave, travelling periodically from West Africa into Indian Ocean and further east into the equatorial Pacific and beyond, would be followed up by the suppressed phase from November 1.
This weakened rain phase would last until November 22, according to the ensemble forecast system of the US National Weather Services. The successor MJO phase of enhanced rains is expected to get anchored over equatorial Indian Ocean and the southern Indian peninsula from December 2.
A long-term outlook by the UK Met Office and the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts suggested ‘above normal’ rain for southern peninsula through December, January and even early into February.
"I think this happenned last year too. We had a good rain in October, then Nov was very dry and again rains picked up in December"
What does this mean? No rains for Chennai between 1st Nov. and 20th Nov?
ReplyDeleteUnfortunaetly yes. Not from nov 1st, but from 26/10 to atleast 20/11. Normally MJO phase lasts for 30-60 days. Lets keep fingers crossed that its less than 30 days.
ReplyDeleteWe might get occasional thunder showers, but lows and deps only after MJO phase ends.
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