For the past 6 days there was bit and pieces of showers which has resulted in 65.4mm (Dec. normal - 138 mm).
Yesterday and Today (9-Dec-07) till now there was no rain, not dry and even the temperature was also on the high side.
Yesterday's temperature Hi: 29.7°C @ 12:04pm Low: 23.3°C @ 6:26am.
Yesterday's Humidity Hi: 95% @ 4:54am Low: 59% @ 1:29pm
Now coming to the South-Bay activity. Take a look at the latest satellite pic ...
What's happening there? Will it develop into a Depression or something??
I think it'll because the present prevailing conditions is leading to that.
The following is from a Weather blog hosted by
"It has been dry lately over southern India, where rains of the North East Monsoon shut off. Now, the same shift in atmospheric patterns allowing rain to reach the northern Subcontinent (this being a trough in the Westerlies--a `western disturbance`), may draw some wetting rains back into Sri Lanka and southeastern India from the southeast. Further ahead in time, there is even the possibility of scattered rain (popping up mid to late week) over the heart of India."
And even the latest numeric forecast also suggests that, take a look ...
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