Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Yesterday's N Maharastra circulation has almost fizzled out, now seen as a very weak circulation over #Gujarat 
Meanwhile a low,mid-level circulation is seen over NE Bay and its upper-level (500hpa) circulation over N-central Bay. 

This NE Bay circulation is expected to drift towards Odisha coast and "move North" into N Odisha on 23/24-Aug.

SW-coast offshore trough seen from S-Maharastra coast to central coast #Kerala. More scattered heavy rain will persist in these zones. 
And, the NW #india and #pakistan LOW has weakened now to around 1000hpa ! 

1pm, Almost No rain over #Maharastra, #Gujarat. Lots of showers has popped over North of #monsoon axis and #Bay is getting active.

Past 24hrs, Heavy rain fell over many zones of Gujarat, W,NW Maharastra, coast #Karnataka, Kerala and South Andhra.
#Chennai missed a midnight T shower that brushed Ponneri zone.

In next 36hrs, widespread heavy rain for N,central Uttarpradesh, W,central Gujarat, coast Karnataka, N,central Kerala and NE Andhra.

#Chennai and most N Tamilnadu, S Andhra is cloudy so far. Less chance of convective build-up expected. Let's see after 4pm.
For #Chennai and surroundings - GFS model continues to suggest more "afternoon, evening" T showers starting from 24th.

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