Sunday, October 05, 2014

WIND discontinuity in south Indian main land

1830 hrs IST clouds formation over west coast
Courtesy : IMD

Gradient Wind
Courtesy :BOM Australia 

The Arabian Sea branch of SWM strength fizzled away as of now and confined to Omen, Yemen, and Somalia and adjoining Arabian Sea.   However the Bay branch is relatively better because of the strength of HIGH in south Indian Ocean at 95 Deg East. The clouding in the Bay near Malacca straight fed by weak SWly winds may lead to formation of low pressure area.
The Gradient Level Wind Analysis is a snapshot of the airflow near the surface of the earth. The arrowed lines are called streamlines and represent the direction of the wind. The dashed lines are called isotachs, and connect points of equal wind speed.  Geostropic winds exist in locations where there are no frictional forces and the isobars are straight. However, such locations are quite rare. Isobars are almost always curved and are very rarely evenly spaced. This changes the geostrophic winds so that they are no longer geostropic but are instead in gradient wind balance. They still blow parallel to the isobars, but are no longer balanced by only the pressure gradient and Coriolis forces, and do not have the same velocity as geostrophic winds.
[Courtesy : University of  Illonois  WM 2010 weather web]

051014 12Z lower level winds
Courtesy: CIMSS

051014 1600LT
Courtesy : Mauritius weather Service

Usually during SWM withdrawal TS activity will be more over EAST coast .  This time it is pronounced over west.

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