Saturday, October 04, 2014

The semi active SWM west of 75 Deg East longitude

                 The upper level winds from EAST has come to lower latitudes i.e below 5 Degree North [The  Meteorological Equator] .  Similarly the SWM strength is active still west of  75 Degree Longitude and the winds are light and variable EAST of 75 Deg longitude.  The cloud mass could not cross west coastline but it is grassing along the coast and now drifted WEST of western coast.  Wind reversal may take soon to announce the arrival of NEM. 
However the Bay branch is active East of 94 Deg East  

Lower level winds

Upper level winds
இன்று ஒரு தகவல் : 
அவசர உதவிக்கு தொடர்பு எண் :911
பெண்கள் அவசர உதவிக்கு தொடர்பு எண் :1091. 

[This has nothing to do with weather information]

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