Saturday, September 14, 2013

More rain ahead for W,central,S Maharastra, #Chennai and #Bangalore before Monday evening

Today, at last the low,mid level circulation near #Chennai has moved N-E and elongated now over W,central Bay... 

In 18hrs, a strong low level circulation is expected over S Bangladesh and a weak one along Karnataka coast ... 

Tomorrow, circulation expected over S Bangladesh will drop a N-S trough ALL along S-E coast N.Tamilnadu, S.Karnataka and even south of it!

A low,mid level circulation is expected along the N-S trough over N,N-central Andhra on 16-Sep ... 
And on 16-Sep, a weak upper level circulation expected over S,S-W,S-central Karnataka ... 

From now till 5pm, 15-Sep... moderate, scattered rain for W,S Maharastra, N-W,central,S Karantaka, N,N-E,central,N-W Tamilnadu.
Moderate, scattered rain also for S Andhra and #Chennai before 5pm, Sunday.
HEAVY showers for central,N,N-E Andhra, S Chatisgarh, S,central Kerala and N-E Odisha expected before 5pm of 15-Sep.

From evening of 15-Sep to Monday evening, moderate rain expected for Central,N Karnataka and S Odisha.
Scattered HEAVY rain expected over W,central,N-E Andhra including #Hyderabad from Sunday evening to night of Monday.
5pm, 15-Sep to 11pm, 16-Sep... HEAVY rain for N,N-E Tamilnadu, #Chennai, S Karnataka and #Bangalore.
During next 2 days, T showers to continue over W,central,S Maharastra. And #Monsoon will stay active along central,S Kerala.

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