Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Almost no, N-W movement expected from Bengal circulation, and Weakening !

#Chennai - 5:45pm, Heavy showers seen over North from city (Ponneri zone) at around 25 to 40km. Very less movement seen towards East (Sea)

Today, the low level circulation over Gulf Mannar and Srilanka persists ... and expected to continue for 3 more days. 

As of 11:30am, the Bengal circulation has drifted N-N-W and its seen over W. Bengal and S,S-E Bihar ... 
The Bengal circulation is expected to weaken and vanish over S. Bihar, N. Jharkhand before Friday noon !! Already showing signs of it !

Upper level (500hpa) circulation associated with Bengal circulation is seen over Odisha, S. Bengal .. 
Present upper level circulation over Odisha is expected to weaken and drift W-N-W upto E. Madhyapradesh, S-E Uttarpradesh, on Friday !

What happened to W,S-W coast? Off shore trough along S-W coast?? NO revival seen for next 5 days !!

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