Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Breaking News: IPCC's Global Warming Claims Not Based on Evidence, Enquiry Report

Everything is happening very fast. It was only two weeks ago that the foundation graph of IPCC's theory to Global Warming was proved a fraud by a new peer review study. Now an external inquiry constituted jointly by the UN and IPCC to look into the working of the IPCC has sounded the death blow to its credibility, at least what was left of it since the Climategate scandal last year.

The InterAcademy Council, an independent group of scientists representing agencies from around the world that undertook the enquiry concluded that the IPCC made alot of claims with high confidence levels when in reality they had little or no evidence for it. The enquiry advised IPCC to keep out of politics and concentrate on science!


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Y are they doing lik this? any reason???

  2. The IPCC was established not to study climate change in its totality but only human induced climate change. So they will be out of business if they conclude that climate change is mostly induced by natural variations

  3. there is very elegant solution for at least overdosing of CO2 in air called micro-algies. but it is still not popular. probably coz to sell oil bring more money then to care about pollution.
