Friday, November 20, 2009

Chennai - ALERT:: Watch out for a LOCAL heavy shower.. in another 1 hr.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    During early morning in Chennai from Beach SRly sub urban station to Chetpet SRLY sub urban station there was rain for atleast 10 min.[Today, the 20 Nov 2009]
    The Quciscat sea wind shows winds converging at 10 Degree North Latitude i.e SE of Nagapatinam.
    Towering cumulus in NE sector is visible.
    The High pressure [1050 hPa] slides through Thai and Easterlies are filled in the Bay East of 80 Deg East. {Refer Thai Meteorological Department analysis]
    The low pressure as usual lies beneath Cape Comorin and adjoining SW Bay.
    Easterlies generating wave like patterns and give rain to TN coast soon.
