Sunday, May 03, 2009

MJO "wet phase" and "Present temperature"

MJO - 40 day forecast predicts a GOOD wet phase from 12-May-09 to 25-May-09.

Take a look...

We do not what it is going to be for Indian sub-continent... May be a early setting of South-west monsoon..???

At present though it's severe heat thru out central, northern and south-central sub-continent.

Here's the Temperature chart for today.


Chennai is clear and Hazy and will be for next 5 days.

Max termperature is around 37, 38 deg celcius, this is mostly due to a intermittent cold wind from South-east from the Bay.

Once this stops, we'll have a record breaking 43 deg celcius. Chennai people, expect this soon.

For tamilnadu "Agni Natchatram" is starting from 4-May-09

For your info:

Agni Natchatram:
The hottest part of the summer; it is forecast in the Almanac. Prayers are offered to God to lessen the intensity of the heat

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