Going by satellite images for the past 1 week... it shows a Showery Srilanka and Northern Bay region (Southern West Bengal).
And there was some scattered electric showers around Southern Tamilnadu and along Southern Western Ghats.
No more threat from the Bay for another 1 month.
Only thing is expected, that is PURE Sunshine, Dusty atmosphere and Wind temperature going up.
Still the Wind temperature is bit cool... that's why afternoon's are not that HOT.
Past week's high temperature was around 33 and 34 deg celcius and low was around 25 deg. That's cool compared to that of temperatures this time past month(February).
Max temperature was expected to go beyond 36 deg, but that did not happen.
Humidity was around 65%.
Some towns in southern India is already experiencing 40 deg... this is not good for Summer and if this continues for another month, then we can expect a early south-west monsoon.
Going by the latest GFS... it shows lot of rain activity again along southern most parts of Tamilnadu and along the southern Western ghats. So these regions are expected to get more afternoon electric showers.
I reckon we mit hav a wet spell middle part 2nd week of april also som low developing may be
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