During the past 5 days the max temperature was UP by 2 deg... this is a significant change. But the MIN temperature is almost the same at 20/21 degrees... this has remained the same for the past 20 days.
We are almost at the end of short chennai Winter.
This winter was mild and even one can say it's bit colder than the previous year.
Now the max temperature is hovering around 31.8°C
This will increase by another 1 deg after 15-Feb... and will rise to 34 deg around 10-Mar-09.
After that every Chennai person will know, what and how it'll be...:)
Today morning we had some cloud formations over the east-south-east.
Other than this, there will not be any more significant changes in weather for next 3 days.
NOW in INDIA we have 3 online "Personal weather stations"
The new entry is from "Thenpattinam, Tamilnadu".
We are trying to find out WHO has hosted it..??
Thenpattinam weather can be accessed thru this LINK Thenpattinam weather
Others can be found here... Personal Weather Stations in INDIA
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