Great warm, humid and bright morning.
Deep blue skies. It means we can expect a NEW weather front to move in OR the OLD weather front has cleared.
Mostly Deep blue skies mean more rain on the way..!!
Good eastern air current.
Lot's of heavy cloud movement from east.
Lot's of Electric cloud formation can be seen over the Sea to the east. This means there's something out there.
We can expect the showers to break out after today evening.
South-south tamilnadu (kanyamumari district) is still experiencing Afternoon rains almost daily.
Update regarding the Depression "Noul" over vietnam..:
The system has almost dissipated completely.
JTWC has also given up tracking the system.
Going by the latest satellite pic..
We can see lots of activities over the MARKED area on the satellite image. We'll keep an eye on that area.
New depression weakening is good news, isn't it? Because of that will the rainfall will be scattered and sustained for a longer duration? Hope this phase compensates for the rain shortfall in Tamil Nadu.
ReplyDeleteYes, we can expect a new LOW near north-east of srilanka in a day or two. As of now we have the North-east going again. Rainfall for tamilnadu is nowhere near to normal. Need more rain.
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