The track is westwards.But if it maintains the same track then its fine. it might come towards the north tamilnadu coast.But then the systems start moving north west once they reach bay of bengal which means they wud move away from TN. But lets wait and watch.Given that the andhra coast wud have been cooled down considerably by the cyclone Khai-Muk this might have a more southerly track. Keeping fingers crossed.But wish it comes to TN
Dont get excited too quickly. First it has to cross Vietnam and will be in Bay only after 2 days. GFS says it will go to North Andhra. Its unlikely going to affect us in any way and with the looks of it, its a fast moving storm.
Agreed wit keaweather jtwc ll soon change their track near vizag but there s a possibility of a feeble low formation near srilanka in next 36 hrs this mi8 bring som showers to much needed south tn
The tropical storm has crossed Vietnam and is fast dissipating.JWTC has canceled its earlier warning for the bay of Bengal.They say this system might dissipate over land itself.possibility of regeneration is less. In this way it might come to TN as an easterly wave and may bring rains. Cyclones are fickle, easterly waves are better ;)
Ya checked out gfs but its not going to affect us too much,its going for south andhra once again lets hope and track it in the coming days
ReplyDeleteThe track is westwards.But if it maintains the same track then its fine. it might come towards the north tamilnadu coast.But then the systems start moving north west once they reach bay of bengal which means they wud move away from TN. But lets wait and watch.Given that the andhra coast wud have been cooled down considerably by the cyclone Khai-Muk this might have a more southerly track. Keeping fingers crossed.But wish it comes to TN
ReplyDeleteDont get excited too quickly. First it has to cross Vietnam and will be in Bay only after 2 days. GFS says it will go to North Andhra. Its unlikely going to affect us in any way and with the looks of it, its a fast moving storm.
ReplyDeleteAgreed wit keaweather jtwc ll soon change their track near vizag but there s a possibility of a feeble low formation near srilanka in next 36 hrs this mi8 bring som showers to much needed south tn
ReplyDeleteThe tropical storm has crossed Vietnam and is fast dissipating.JWTC has canceled its earlier warning for the bay of Bengal.They say this system might dissipate over land itself.possibility of regeneration is less. In this way it might come to TN as an easterly wave and may bring rains. Cyclones are fickle, easterly waves are better ;)
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