I'm back in Chennai. oh man, it's raining heavy thru all early morning till now. "chandrayaan" launch successful, lot's of stages ahead. 2 minutes ago from web
moving out of arakonam, lot's of rain thru out. my battery is out. bye bye about 13 hours ago from mobile web
at guntakal, andhra. cloud cover is getting heavy. still no rain sighting yet. hope to get rain in 2 hrs. about 20 hours ago from mobile web
now at raichur, andhra. clear & warm. no sign of rain yet. about 22 hours ago from mobile web
got info from chennai that it was raining heavy thru the night. 7:39 AM yesterday from mobile web
i'm returning to chennai. now in wadi. here clear sky, mild and hazy. 7:38 AM yesterday from mobile web
cold evening in Pune, i'll be leaving pune around midnight by train. 12:14 AM yesterday from mobile web
entering pune. dry & mild & sunny. 9:16 AM Oct 20th from mobile web
good & cold morning in maharastra. dry & cold all the way! it's rainiing in chennai. 9:05 AM Oct 20th from mobile web
at last we have mobile signal. v r near gooty, andhra. clear & dry. 8:06 PM Oct 19th from mobile web
almost no mobile signal. airtel. this is the state indian mobile connectivity 5:49 PM Oct 19th from mobile web
just had lunch. and leaving renigunta. heavy rains after tirutani till renigunda. 5:46 PM Oct 19th from mobile web
just had lunch. and leaving renigunta. heavy rains after tirutani till now. 3:04 PM Oct 19th from mobile web
as we go further into interior, rain & cloud activity is low. 2:51 PM Oct 19th from mobile web
now on my way to mumbai, i might tweet abt the weather on the way! 11:36 AM Oct 19th from mobile web
night was heavy with rain & lightning. i'm tweetin from my htc mobile. 11:34 AM Oct 19th from mobile web
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