It is a well known fact that Chennai city is never built with rains in mind because for us monsoon failures are more common than rain battering the city which is a rare occasion. To cap it even if it rains for 24 hours the city will be thrown completely out of gear and jeopardize normal lives. The school children and college students are the worst sufferers in this rain.
This year the ruling party added to the misery of the college students by "obliquely" forcing them to "participate in human chain to express anguish over the sufferings of the Tamilians in Sri Lanka". It was a pathetic site to see those students standing drenched to the bone and most of them feeling terribly embarrassed because the salwar kameez they were wearing was making their contours obvious. The entire human chain drama is purely a political hullabaloo and why the Chief Minister chose to harass the students to stand in the rain continuously for more than five hours which made them shiver is a mystery. (refer Times of India news item While Chief Minister Karunanidhi openly criticized his die hard enemy Jayalalithaa as a barren woman ( what a cheap word to use) who cannot understood the problems of children like him who has sired many children (through more than one wife) and is blessed with innumerable grand and great grand children did not seem to "bother about the plight of the students drenched in the rain". He came in his flashy car at 5 P.M in the Evening when the rains had abated to some extent and his political heir M K Stalin came in another car and his "love child" Kanimozhi was not seen anywhere at all - the poor government college students were "forced" to wait till the CM arrived. And he did not arrive well before because he had other plans" to treat all who fell sick free the next day" most probably!!.
Tamil Nadu politics is unique in several ways. One is it continuous unholy alliance with the film industry. Especially in the recent past after Vijayakanth's victory in the Assembly elections every actor mouths stupid sentences on issues of nationally grave implications and it is hugely publicized in all the electronic media. While all other States of India clearly keep politics away from other walks of life ( even Amar singh's hobnobbing with Anil Ambani, Amitabh Bachchan and Jaya Bachchan ended in a fiasco) any Tom Dick and Harry makes political comments and politics after all is the best short cut to cheap popularity and if luck favors the taste of power too.
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