In chennai rain started after a week on Wednesday... slowly picking up pace and it was raining thru the nite of Thursday into Friday (good friday).
Rain was heavy and with 2 hrs interval... thru the day on Friday.
Here is some rain stats for Chennai.
Yesterday Rain - 59.8 mm
24 Hour Rain - 13.6mm
Monthly Rain - 126.4mm (Mar. normal - 3 mm)
Take a look at the system as of NOW.
These rainy conditions are quiet bizzare and not common in March.
The LOW formed over Gulf of Mannar moved over south extreme of South Tamilnadu and moved into parts of Maldives. This is the position as of Morning, Friday.
This system after gaining strength moved rapidly to the north and laid centered over parts of Lakshadweep.
As i write this blog, the system is still active and carrying a lots of cloud mass around it.
The numeric forecast shows there might be a another system moving in from South Bay.. in next 120 hrs.
So an unusual April ahead....!!!!
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