We are back online after 3 days.
we were at Tirunelveli for the past 3 days...It's located down south of Tamilnadu.
There also the climate was a bit humid and some drops of rain. Nights and early morning are somewhat cold.
Now coming to chennai, On sunday the North-east current has revived slightly enough to bring some showers for the city.
This is not unusual for this time of year. The rainfall records for the past 2 days are Yesterday 12.2 mm, Today till now (10:08 AM) it's 2.6mm.
December month average is 138 mm, hoping the RAIN god to attain this atleast for the good of Chennai.
Today's wind direction is good for the rain...take a look it's mostly North-North-East.
There's nothing visible on the latest satellite pic, you can view it here
November 2007 was a disaster regarding North-East monsoon, Chennai city received only 95 MM of rain against a normal of 308 MM.
Buddy, is there any possibility of the revival of the North East monsoon in december, considering that the Monsoon is almost in its final stages.. The normal Monsoon end date is Dec 15th though on some occasioins it spills over into January.. But cyclones are very rare to from after Dec 15th Usually.. also the bay of bengal has cooled down, so not much of kinetic energy is left to spin cyclones or depressions..
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