Here we have system over south-east bay of bengal.
It's 70% likely to form as a Depression OR Cyclone.
Take a look at the latest satellite pic...
In the above satellite pic, you can see the whirl is starting.
As of now there is NO public report abt the system from REGIONAL METEOROLOGICAL CENTRE, CHENNAI. We'll see when they'll start about the depression.
Now we cannot predict the movement of the system, it's more likely to move in a west ward OR North-west ward direction.
This may be the second system but the FIRST major one.
Hope this system crosses the North tamilnadu coast, because North-Tamilnadu is scanty of rainfall from this season till date. If the system crosses the Andhra coast the weather here will become even more dry.
It's atleast 6 days now without Rain in Chennai, and the high temperature yesterday was Hi: 31.4°C @ 12:59pm Low: 23.8°C @ 5:51am
BUT this system is expectec to move in a north north-westerly direction according to the latest IMD weather forecast,which means its going to track towards orissa or west bengal.Looks like this years NE Monsoon is going to be a dry one..The rainfall in the initial stages of the monsoon is crucial..Once it crosses mid-November, the rainfall decreases and chances of rainfall are sluggish
ReplyDeleteGreat to get a comment for my blog.
But, where did you get the latest from IMD? You sound little professional.
I saw the IMD website.In the weather forecast they said the system is likely to move north north west and hence away from TN coast.
ReplyDeleteI am not a professional guy in meteorology.But a software engg..very much interested in weather tracking..
One more reason i feel this system might move away from the TN coast is bcoz u can see the latitude where the depression has formed.Evn if this system moves in a north west direction,it wont hit the TN coast. Chances are only if it tracks west for soem time and then tracks west north west..
Given that the NE monsooon weather systems are very erratic.. not reall sure
Yes, you are correct.
ReplyDeleteIt's moving north.
I'm also a software guy, Interested in weather watching and storm chasing.
Thanks for your comments
Hi... Wat is the current update on the movement... Are there chances it will hit the North TN Coast especially Chennai... Long time since we had some solid rainfall....
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