For the country as a whole, the seasonal rainfall from 1st June to 30th September was 105% of its long period average (LPA)
Seasonal rainfall was excess by 26% over South Peninsula. It was deficient (15% below LPA) over Northwest (NW) India, 8% above LPA over Central India and 4% above LPA over Northeast (NE) India.
Out of the 36 meteorological sub-divisions, the seasonal (June-September) rainfall was excess in 13 and normal in 17 sub-divisions. However, it was deficient in 6 sub-divisions.
Out of 513 meteorological districts for which data were available, 72% of the meteorological districts received excess/normal rainfall and the remaining 28% received
deficient/scanty rainfall during the season. 77 districts (15%) experienced moderate drought and 30 districts (6%) experienced severe drought at the end of the season.
Five sub-divisions (viz. West Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Chandigarh and Delhi, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and east Madhya Pradesh) experienced moderate drought conditions (rainfall deficiency of 26% to 50%) at the end of the season.
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