Sunday, March 07, 2010

Chennai - A warm and humid evening now 8:07pm .. 29.5°C
NDTV - Greenthon-2 ... ENDs 24 hrs with "3.86 crores and 155 villages... triple of last year" ... WOW!
Chennai - NDTV Hindu holds India green campaign ..
Chennai - Due to a stiff S-E humid winds, early morning temperature was .. 27.8°C (6:18am)
Chennai - School children braving humid temp. of 33.9°C in Besant Nagar beach for NDTV's Greenathon.
NDTV : Greenathon-2 ..campaign for TERI's .. "Lighting a Billion lives" .. check this out ..
Donage to the NDTV - Greenathon ... "Lighting a Billion Lives" ...
RT @nitinbindal: congrats to NDTV for Greenathon concept....
Lighting a Billion Lives ... NDTV: Greenathon-2 ..
RT @ndtv: Donations for NDTV-Toyota greenathon cross Rs 1 crore