Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Heavy rain in Mumbai today (photos) .. http://ping.fm/lRKUc
Seven die in Orissa flood accident .. http://ping.fm/yNxw8
Chennai - Fully cloudy till now 6:10pm and NO low cloud formation as yet... mild sprinkles or drizzles possible tonight.
(cont.).. Very active over west coast, coastal Andhra and Orissa... http://ping.fm/0PiXZ
Latest sat.pic shows:: Scattered heavy rains over central and North-west India. Widespread Heavy rains over FULL of southern peninsula...

Seven die in flood accident

At least seven people have been killed after a bus they were travelling in was swept away by a flash flood in the Indian state of Orissa, police said.

The bus was crossing a small bridge in the Nayagarh district when the gushing waters engulfed it late on Monday, the police added.

A local official said rescuers were looking for 15 people who were missing following the incident.

There have been heavy monsoon rains in Orissa since Sunday.

Local official KC Jena told the Associated Press news agency that 20 people, who had been travelling in the bus, had been rescued from the Besalia river in Nayagarh, some 75 miles (120km) west of the state capital, Bhubaneshwar.

The official quoted passengers as saying that the driver of the passenger bus had ignored warnings from passengers not to cross the bridge

Monsoon fails to pick up in Uttra Pradesh

With the monsoon failing to pick up in Uttra Pradesh a worried state government has dispatched teams to the worst hit districts to assess the situation on the ground. With some districts receiving just about a fourth of normal rainfall which should have come by now, sources say that the state government may even consider declaring some areas as drought hit if the monsoon does not revive soon.

The Chief Secretary Atul K Gupta has convened a high level meeting on Tuesday to assess the monsoon situation.

Though most districts in the state did receive some rains in the last couple of days they were scanty and insufficient for the farmers accelerate cultivation.

The latest data shows that till last week UP had received 66% less than normal rainfall. The worst hit area remains to be the western part of the state with the region getting 77% less than normal rainfall. These figures indicate the monsoon has only weakened further as the weeks advance, belying the hopes of the weather department officials of a revival.

Though the MET department officials still say that the monsoon can revive in the coming days and cover the losses, farmers say that it is not only the quantum of the rain but its timing also which is important for their crops.

Delayed and poor rains are expected to result in paddy cultivation declining by about 8 lakh hectares to cover only 52 lakh hectares this season. Agriculture department officials estimate that paddy production would fall to 131 lakh metric tonnes from the earlier target of 135 lakh metric tonnes. Poor rains for the water intensive cultivation of paddy would also result in the crop yield going down.

Cane acreage, which has been declining, in the state for the last few years is again expected to be low especially with monsoon being worst hit in west-Uttar Pradesh, which has traditionally been a cane belt. Cane acreage is expected to be about 19 lakh hectares this season as compared to 21 lakh hectares last season leading to a decline in cane production to less than 1,000 lakh metric tonnes, according to official estimates.

Original:: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/News/PoliticsNation/Monsoon-fails-to-pick-up-in-Uttra-Pradesh/articleshow/4773322.cms

Monsoon lashes Karwar....

The 14 days of non-stop monsoon rains have lashed Karwar town, caused quite a bit of erosion, and water logging eveywere.... The Clouds had descended over Karwar to personally see to it that Karwar recieved its fair share of Monsoons... A hydro-powered dam about 200 kms from Karwar recorded 25 feet deep water in just 9 days !! And other dams near Karwar have gone from Empty to Near Full withinthis period.... And thats why I couldnt post pictures here on my Blog !! :-)

For more visit:: http://karwar-daily-pic.blogspot.com/

Manmohan reviews monsoon situation ... http://bit.ly/1XET8v
IMD:: Delhi to get more rains in coming days
Heavy to very heavy rainfall at a few places over Orissa, south Chhattisgarh, Konkan & Goa, Coastal Karnataka and north coastal Andhra Prdes
Widespread rainfall with heavy to very heavy falls at a few places is likely over Orissa, south Chhattisgarh, and north A.P during next 2 days
The well marked low pressure area over coastal areas of Orissa and adjoining northwest Bay of Bengal persists.
Here's the Rainfall warning chart from Accuweather.com .. http://ping.fm/70IYK
Chennai - Now 12:26pm, fully cloudy with gusts from west-south-west.. Roads are becoming dusty due to high winds. Temp. is 34.8°C (12:15pm)
Chennai - Another Full high cloud day ahead, with good winds from west. Temperature will be around 36 deg, High posibility of rain after 5pm
Central Bay is still active.. waiting for a Monsoon LOW.
Latest sat.shows:: Entire west coast is active again, Heavy rains forecast for entire southern peninsula.
Already we have reports of Very heavy rain in Mumbai from early morning.
Heavy rain forecast for North-west coast of Maharastra and South Gujarat.